
Keep the Cold Out and Your Energy Bills Down

As elegant as sash windows are, they can let a lot of cold air into rooms if certain steps are not taken.

Draught-proofing is an effective preventative measure that can be taken without investing in a full renovation or replacement of your sash windows.

Eliminate heat loss with draught-proofing and save on heating costs during the colder months.

Draught-proofing can also reduce the sound of windows rattling on windy days.

A Simple Solution

Depending on the size of your property and the condition of your windows, we can draught-proof your windows in as little time as an afternoon.

Our Draught-Proofing service usually involves the following steps:

  • Parting beads and staff beads are replaced or installed

  • The creation of an air-tight seal with a draught-proof strip around each frame and window to keep cool air outside where it belongs.

If you are interested in having your windows draught-proofed, please do not hesitate to get in touch by filling out the enquiry form below.

Let’s Discuss Your Windows